Coasts have always inspired me. The waves, the movement of the water, the sand dunes, the pebbles, the cliffs… Nature is so inspiring and moving, and I love to try to capture that. Harbor are also an endless source of inspiration. Boats, industrial structures… they all have their personnality and offer some nice challenges to the painter!

October 2024. Acrylic paint on watercolor paper (A6 postcard) - Blue Scottish harbor. Own reference.

September 2024. Watercolors on Hahnemühle watercolor postcard (A6) - Picardy sand dunes. Own reference.

November 2024. Gouache on cold pressed Craftamo watercolor paper (A5) - Stylized beach. Own reference.

December 2023. Watercolors on Winsor & Newton cold-pressed watercolor paper - Turquoise French waters. Own reference.

April 2024. Watercolors on cold-pressed Arches paper (26x36cm) - Sunset on the wild coast.